Latest Past Events

Navigating Billing Barriers: Strategies for Resolving Medical Forensic Exam Payments with Survivors

It is known that patients at times receive bills related to their medical forensic exam (MFE), and this is brought to the attention of various clinicians and service providers – advocates, nurses, billers. MFEs are crucial for survivor health, healing, and sometimes criminal legal engagement. Join this interactive presentation that will discuss the potential pitfalls...

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Sexual Violence and Abuse Part 2: Recognizing and Adapting the Response to Individuals with Autism

In the second part of this webinar series, we are joined again by content experts, Travis Haycook, Staci Whitney, and Sandra Harrell, as they address the response to individuals with autism that have experienced sexual violence and abuse. The presenters will highlight strategies to adapt a response to survivors with autism to fit the needs...

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Sexual Violence and Abuse Part 1: Understanding Autism From the Clinical Perspective

For those providing a response to Individuals living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) that have experienced sexual violence, it is Important to understand the many differences in ways those individuals may interact, communicate, and learn. In Part 1 of this webinar series, the content experts will share their knowledge on ASD and how it shows...